Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold a competitive ARS Examination – 2012 where in two separate examinations will be held for the following vacancies
1. Agricultural Biotechnology: 35posts
2. Agricultural Entomology: 04posts
3. Agricultural Microbiology: 08posts
4. Genetics & Plant Breeding: 07posts
5. Nematology: 02posts
6. Plant Biochemistry: 03posts
7. Plant Pathology: 04posts
8. Plant Physiology: 07posts
9. Seed Science & Technology: 05posts
10. Fruit Science: 31posts
11. Spices, Plantation & Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: 30posts
12. Vegetable Science: 40posts
13. Animal Physiology: 01post
14. Animal Reproduction & Gynecology: 04posts
15. Dairy Chemistry: 04posts
16. Dairy Microbiology: 01post
17. Poultry Science: 05posts
18. Veterinary Medicine: 01post
19. Aquaculture: 30posts
20. Fisheries Resource Management: 21posts
21. Fish Process Technology: 04posts
22. Fish Nutrition: 15posts
23. Fish Health: 20posts
24. Fish Genetics & Breeding: 15posts
25. Agricultural Statistics: 54posts
26. Agricultural Statistics: 04posts
27. Agroforestry: 12posts
28. Environmental Sciences: 12posts
29. Soil Sciences: 08posts
30. Agricultural Business Management: 01post
31. Agricultural Economics: 03posts
32. Agricultural Extension: 08posts
33. Agricultural Chemicals: 02posts
34. Agricultural Structures and Environmental Management: 15posts
35. Agricultural Process Engineering: 02posts
36. Food Technology: 13posts
Prescribed Educational Qualifications
A candidate must hold a Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned subject with specialization as defined
Fee: For General /OBC Examination fee: 480/- an Registration fee: Rs. 20/- and for Woman/Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/Physically Challenged Examination fee: Nil and Registration fee Rs. 20/-
Plan of Examination (ARS): Two separate competitive written examinations followed by Viva-voce shall be conducted as per the following plan of examinations:
1. Examination: Preliminary-ARS (Objective Type), Max. Marks: 150 & Duration: 2 hours
2. Examination: ARS – Main (Descriptive Type), Max. Marks: 240 & Duration: 3 hours
3. Viva-voce & Max. Marks: 60
How to apply: A candidate seeking admission to the Examination must apply to The Secretary, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 on the application form available on ICAR Website or ASRB Website The application form must be filled up by the candidate in his / her own handwriting only. A candidate must read the provisions in the Notification for ARS Examination - 2012 carefully and abide by the same
Important dates:
• Last date for Receipt of Applications in A.S.R.B. 18.12.2012
• Preliminary – ARS Examination – 2012 on 24.02.2013 (Sunday) from 02.00 pm to 04.00 pm
• ARS – Main Examination – 2012 on 23.06.2013 (Sunday) from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm.
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