It was a day to rejoice for Kollywood's long time lovebirds Sneha and Prasanna who recently tied the knot in a series of traditional ceremonies. The two actors who had been seen together in public for quite some time, took their wedding vows at elaborate functions that were held in the city.
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Sneha and Prasanna Wedding
Tamil Actress Sneha Wedding
While the revels opened with a typical engagement ritual graced by both the stars' parents, there was also a pre-wedding reception attended by the near and dear ones of the couple. Flashing her million-dollar smile, the effervescent Sneha looked delighted. Dressed in a heavily worked kanjeevaram sari, she painted a picture of elegance. Prasanna was also looking dapper in his suit that was coordinated with the bride's attire. Here's wishing these two lovely people a happy married life together.
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