In a few minutes, Nikki Haley will be on Bill O'Reilly, no doubt to sell a few more copies of her new book... Though it's doubtful she'll be on more than ten minutes, it will still be too much time to avoid O'Reilly from asking her if she is considering 'being available' for the Vice-Presidential spot on the GOP ticket... While it seems like there are more possibilities at this time for the job than Carters has liver pills, to us there needs to be certain qualities in the candidate - and right now, Haley is the wrong person for the job...
In 2008, John McCain wa s in a tough spot versus Barack Obama's popularity machine, so he shot crap and pulled Sarah Palin out of a hat... Though in many ways, he culled a superstar in the making with Caribou Barbie, it was obvious in insight that there were flaws in Palin's armor. 2012 is a lot different.... Barack Obama has a record that the GOP will force him to run on, and the landscape is different. The independent vote that propelled him to victory is not such a sure thing. In short, Mitt Romney can make a safe bet - what we used to call a solid choice - and not hurt his chances at winning. McCain threw the dice and chose a Governor from a small Red State only two years removed from being Mayor of a city of 10,000 people. Substitute 'Mayor' with 'State Representative' , and you basically have Nikki Haley - minus the starpower...
No, Nikki Haley is not Sarah Palin in the ability to motivate a party nationally, but she has just as much baggage... There are investigations into her family business, of which she was CFO.. Uhh, and that whole Will Folks affair will always be out there. Maybe it happened , maybe it didn't, but you'd think she would have sued Will for defamation if there weren't some merit. No, none of this is solid, but there sure are plenty of others with stronger resumes and tighter personal bios.. Lastly, she was raised Sikh, which doesn't bother us, but picture Middle America looking at a GOP ticket with a Mormon and a converted Sikh at the top of it... Again, we don't care at all about religion, but there are people in the GOP who would puke at a Romney-Haley ticket. Luckily, it appears that she is poo-pooing the idea as well. 2016 would be a lot different, once she got more experience, but she may not make it that far....
The Vice-Presidential choice needs to be a leader with a resume. One with solid credentials in national politics and hopefully foreign affairs to make up for Mitt Romney's shortcomings.. Plus, he/she will likely come from a state that is up for grabs. Our governor has none of these traits... Yeah, it'd be sweet to have someone with the President's ear come from South Carolina, but that ain't happening. Hell, Jim Clyburn has had that for four years, and it hasn't worked - then again, wrong guy, wrong President. A Red State with only 9 electoral votes will never if ever run things in a Presidential election. By February, we're an afterthought...
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